Washington County Landmarks

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Register A Landmark

Register a Landmark

Thank you for your interest in the Washington County History and Landmarks Foundation Historical Landmarks Program. Click the link below to download and print our application.

Please return the application with your $20.00 non-refundable processing fee payable to: 
WCH&LF, PO BOX 274, Washington, PA 15301.

**Click Here to download a printable Landmark Registration Application **

The purpose of this program is to recognize architecturally and/or historically significant structures in our county. Generally, these structures must be at least 50 years old. Those buildings which qualify are kept in a registry in Landmarks files.

Qualified property owners receive a certificate of registry and are then approved to purchase the Registered Landmark plaque.

Criteria For Acceptance to Washington County Landmarks Register:

The Owner:
Should demonstrate dedication to the preservation of their structure's architectural integrity.

The Structure:
Should reflect local, state, or national significance in American architecture, culture, history or engineering. It shall have been constructed no less than fifty years prior or be of exceptional design significance.

The structure's exterior should exhibit or retain 75 percent (%) of its original walls, construction materials, and other elements such as porches and windows. Extensive exterior additions will be considered detracting.

The structure's interior need not exhibit all original walls, openings, sheathing, and trim materials but twentieth century alterations resulting in major structural or cosmetic changes may be considered detracting.

In Addition:
The owner agrees to affix the plaque (if purchased) at a prominent place near the main entrance of the building or structure, and if at any time the owner plans to demolish the building, sell the property, or significantly alter the exterior, the owner agrees to inform the Washington County History and Landmarks Foundation.